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Mathys + Potestio


Printed quarterly newspaper
2020 – 24
Project RoleArt Direction & Layout DesignAgencyFreelance

CONTENT Zine, Vol 1

Editorial Publication

Written by the employees of Mathys+Potestio, CONTENT is a zine featuring stories told from the point of years of experience. Articles cover important topics for job seekers such as employment navigation, workplace tales, and working your way up from the bottom. It is a collection of thought-provoking wisdoms for people at all stages of their careers within its pages. 

When M+P, a Portland based creative staffing agency, decided it was time to update the previous look of their publication I helped guide them in a direction which updated and modernized the previous look and feel, moving away from a small hand-held booklet format to a more impactful newspaper style zine to better compliment and emphasize the strength of the material within.

CONTENT Zine, Vol 2

Editorial Publication
Concept, Art Direction, Visual Direction, Design Execution, Animation & Motion

CONTENT Zine, Vol 3

Editorial Publication
Images coming soon!

Concept, Art Direction, Visual Direction, Design Execution, Animation & Motion
©MMXXIV Jess Harrington
Portland, Ore.